Sunday, June 24, 2012

Not much blogging around these parts lately. I think I started 3 posts this week and then I got sidetracked and/or bored and never committed. The Lumberjack took a little more out of me than I would like to admit. To say that it takes me a while to recover is an understatement. I'm a little bit envious of those who got to get out and get a good workout in this weekend. I did get to go out and explore the neighborhood and found some super secret good stuff that I will be adding to one of my loops. I still have one more undercover operation to perform in order to complete the details of this new loop. It may require an early morning, face paint, camouflage and some squatchin. Right up my alley.

Tomorrow, I'm not looking forward to a doctor's appointment. My eyes have been bad lately. Not only does it feel like I'm looking through wax paper sometimes (which is a scary sensation, especially when you have no idea how long it will last), but they hurt. My left one has been especially angry lately. Friday into Saturday I was up most of the night because it hurt. I felt like left eye was trying to escape from my body. I've had uveitis in the past, but I don't remember this much pain and my vision wasn't this poor. It's freaking me out a little to say the least. I'm hoping for some okay news...I don't need good. I'm past good news. I know better at this point in the game. Just an explanation and something to alleviate the issue will suffice.

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