Monday, July 9, 2012


Sometimes you just have to say fuck it and tell the body to get on board. You really do. I had a bad week and my arms and hands weren't cooperating. After Wednesday it wasn't looking good for me as far as the bike was concerned. For fear that I was going to lose fitness, I had started to scope out a place at the lake where I thought I could safely leave my bike and stuff and get in some morning swims. I wasn't happy about this being a reality, so Wednesday night I started my assault on getting right arm back to cooperating. Ice, TENS unit and yes, drugs. By Friday I felt that I may be able to hold onto the bars for a Saturday race. I went with the attitude that if I only did a lap it was okay. Better than nothing. We drove down to Sewell, NJ for the aptly named MASS D & Q Summer Sizzler race. As we got farther from home the temperature rose. When we got there the truck said 104*. Yikes!

We got out of the truck, felt the sweltering temps and did the most logical thing....went for a lap. I was a lot worried because, although the course was pretty smooth, there were a lot of root packs. The jarring and vibrations did not excite me. If it hurt too bad I would stop. I made friends with my dorky Camelback and went. God knows I couldn't manage holding on, drinking and steering. My goal was not to be last and to get my HR up. Another goal was to not hurt myself or a fellow racer because of my questionable braking capabilities.  At times I felt somewhat ill and like I was breathing fire. I was dreaming of Icees and snow cones and ice baths. I did notice that I settled into my hundred pace way too easily and too often. I kept having to snap myself back to reality and will my body to attempt to go 'fast'. I wasn't as aggressive in the corners or on certain sections as I should have been because my hands were in my head, but I lived to tell the tale and finished. Mission accomplished. The other good news is that I'm still pretty comfortable riding a big gear. I feared the hundreds and easier gearing would have taken it's toll. I even think I could have gone a little bigger.

Sunday I didn't feel as bad as I was expecting. I'd come across some new riding possibilities on a road ride and it was as good of day as any to go exploring. New to me singletrack I can ride to is always an excellent find. I thought I had finally stumbled upon my first corpse while riding. I'm always keeping an eye out. I watch all those true crime shows. I know what happens. It's only a matter of time...


  1. Yay for just saying "fuck it"! Glad you raced and finished but even happier to hear you are feeling better! 104- yikes!
    Is a camelback really dorky? I must be a total dork ( I am sure I am) because it is the only way I can get myself to drink during a race.

    1. I'm still gonna go with dorky. However, I will add sometimes practical ;>). I've embraced my dorkdom and it has become my friend. I know you've heard me curse the thing before and have seen me hide it in the woods on rides until I needed something. Maybe it's me. I just feel like fat guy in little coat in one. Hahaha.

  2. Okay- I will take dorky but practical ;)
    Nice Tommy Boy reference -hahaha!!!
