Thursday, February 11, 2010


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that we've all kind of had it with the snow and all the fun it brings. Rumor has it my brother is up to 31 inches in Ohio. Yikes. If I had gotten 31 inches I would have had a mental and physical meltdown. Yes, I love the snow. I love to snow shoe and hike in it. I love to ride in it. I love to look at it. I love to be out in it. Period. However, this whole house thing and Mike being in AZ for the last couple of weeks has me reevaluating my feelings on the white fluffy stuff.

Shoveling has become a daunting task for Ike

We all can relax. The "flying squirrel" has been uncovered. There was almost a trip to Petsmart.

That's a good 2 hour workout!

I'm sure this won't look better at 6 am.

One more week and we'll be reunited...

Thanks George for the case and thank you Rave for having the patience in packing my bike and showing me how it's done...I know it was painful!

Now if I can only get there in one piece!

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there Jocelyn...already part of the way thru February...and thank you for the "Double Bag" that is! Say hi to Tucson!
