Monday, May 21, 2012


It's that time of year when I start thinking about putting all of my winter stuff away. "Thinking about it,"  I said. As soon as I do,  I've pretty much damned us all to one more cold snap. So for right now it sits in a pile on the attic stairs waiting to be moved to its summer home. For those who know me well, you know that this might be where it stays until the fall.  Nobody uses the attic stairs, anyway. Well, besides Reggie's ghost friend, Ron, but that's a story for another day. I've made it my own personal cubby.  Ron will have to make do.

It's also that time of year when bug spray is a necessity. I try to use the natural stuff as much as possible because I hate the thought of DEET. I've found that not only do people comment on my eucalyptus-rosemary oil-meets-pine car freshener smell and glossy, oily appearance, the natural stuff doesn't last very long and I'm convinced that ticks like me more when I'm slathered in it. They are the very creatures I am trying to repel.

Leg sweat. It's time. Dripping down my shin before I get off my street. Enough said.

It's also now a requirement to make a trip here or here on the weekends for Italian ice or ice cream. No exceptions. Unless, of course we are out of town and then we have to find a suitable replacement. 

It's also time for some fun:

I didn't even have to rub her wheel or throw a shoulder. Jungle took care of it for me.

It's less than two weeks until Mohican. I have a bald rear tire and some other issues that I need to tend to. Nothing major. The big question is if I should wear my new shoes or not. I  really don't have a chance to really give them a true endurance test. I've worn them for a few hours so far and they feel good. I'm afraid at 6+ hours with hot, angry feet, the review might be different. I should probably go behind the house and hike on the Appalachian Trail with them for an hour or so. That would be a more realistic test for a hundie.


  1. Not sure if I would use brand new shoes for a 100miler without getting a few hours in them first.

    If they are the same shoes as the past then you know how they will fit and break-in. If not, then that is kind of scary.

    Everyone reacts differently.

    Good luck in Mohican!
