Thursday, October 13, 2011

Blah Humbug

It's been another week of mope. Still really can't stop thinking about Ike, and yes, I am still spontaneously crying. I started crying on Sunday during Iron Cross because for a moment I thought about him being back at the car waiting for me. I pulled over under the guise of peeing to get myself together. I can't seem to take my mind off of it. I'm a sad sack with no motivation. I'm still amazed I was able to pedal on Sunday. I've been living on iced trentas this week. If I keep it up I'm going to have to take a loan out of my 401(k) to support my habit.

I made myself go out and pedal around the lake tonight. I worked from home for the first time in two weeks and it wasn't the same. Although, Reggie does his best to entertain and keep me company, it's just not the same.

I'm not sure what it is about blow-up yard art that upsets me so. The yard I rode past tonight was scary. And not in that Halloween boohahahaa way. There were also sound effects. It's unfortunate you can't experience the full effect. As I was taking this picture a lady pulled up in a mini van to take a picture herself. She looked at me and said, "Isn't it great? I look forward to their yard every year. Come back at dark. It's better." I pulled out my superb acting skills and smiled and said, "Better at dark? I'll have to check it out." I had some dark thoughts of vandalism involving camouflage, a night raid, wire cutters and a pocket knife. I shook it off. Who was I to maim this neighborhood treasure?

I made myself go to hot yoga tonight. It was my first time going to this studio near our house. The instructor kept it moving and because it's been so long since I've stepped foot into a studio I had to totally focus so I could keep up. For an hour and fifteen minutes I forgot about everything else. Progress, I guess. On a lighter note, no one laughed/stared at me for my lack of flexibility and busted feet. The instructor and people in the class were actually nice and unpretentious. Not used to such things having only been to studios in Manhattan and snootier parts of Bergen County. It used to be like going with the cast of the Housewives. I do believe it will be a Thursday night thing.

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