Monday, October 17, 2011


The weekend: uneventful. It was nice to have nowhere to go and no place to be. Saturday, I went to Ringwood by my lonesome and rode. I climbed up the new red trail which is fantastic. It's a long, tough, technical, switchback climb. You are greatly rewarded with the view from the top. Riding down it's pretty cool, too.

Sunday we got pretty wild. Cleaned out the basement. After throwing out more bags of crap than I can count (including a fax machine and an old Tivo that I should have donated to a museum) Mike and I decided to head out from the house for a hike/trail run.

Greenwood Lake

The decision was up to me if we were going to do the short loop or long loop. In my infinite wisdom I opted for the long loop. It was beautiful day, I felt pretty good and the cold is coming soon so I wanted to take advantage. It wasn't a leisurely pace. The fact that we stopped to take pictures of these two people in desperate need of a good night cream and a teeth whitening is amazing.

Surprise Lake

The terrain is challenging to say the least. My abs and calves are screaming today. That could be a little yoga hangover, too. The next order of business is to order a new pair of hiking/trail shoes that I can run in. The Salomon trail runners don't really cut it up there. Pretty earth shattering stuff, I know. Fingers crossed my internet research and Zappos search is fruitful.

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