Monday, August 22, 2011


I had some grand plans that I would be racing this weekend (or at least attempt to) but I quickly came to the realization that I was still cooked from the Wildcat Epic. I wanted to go to VT bad. Then maybe the Hampshire 100k. Couldn't decide. Mike, Jane and Chris ended up going to the Rattling 50 in PA. Monday and Tuesday I actually felt okay. Come Wednesday I was tired and snarkier than usual. By Thursday, I was having homicidal thoughts and wanted to nap under my desk so I knew it was in my best interest to chill over the weekend. I had been on the bike for recovery spins throughout the week. Wednesday, I attempted to go into the woods for an 'easy ride' but we all know how that usually turns out. Push a little too hard, have a little too much fun. Right back at total beat down.

Saturday, I was feeling fluish and my HR was high so I took precautionary measures and stayed away from any sort of activity besides reading and watching tv. Sunday, I had to get on the bike. I was getting anxious and grumpy and needed to be outside. The forecast was not a good one. Calling for thunder boomers. It was wet and gnarly riding. I got caught in a downpour. I could taste the years of bug spray, sweat and sunscreen run down my face from my old helmet. At one point I had to stop because it was raining so hard I couldn't see.

Moments of brilliance followed by larger moments of a flailing moron on a bike. I had my first crash of note this year. It hurt. It really hurt. Of course, it was in one of the pointier rocky trails. I was lying off the trail with the bike on top of me for quite some time. Hanging by my pelvis' iliac crest on a rock. I was afraid to move for a little bit because I felt like the rock was stuck between my ribcage and pelvis. It was. I was hanging headfirst down a drop-off off the side of the trail. I couldn't get myself up and off of it for a moment. That's not going to be pretty in a day or so.

The crash was in the first hour so I had to redeem myself a little. After 3 hours, I decided to cut my losses and roll home. My left side wasn't happy with me. I got it together technically. I was just so tired and Waway is not a place you can be tired or ride easy (at least not the fun stuff). It's not much fun. You'll walk more than you ride.

Pedaling squares down our road home (and such a flattering photo to boot).

Wishing and hoping I can get back to 'normal' this week.

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