Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Conventional wisdom would tell you that riding too much is bad. I tend to agree. I get it. The whole rest and recovery thing. It's just really hard not to be on the bike for a long time every day out here. Out here I feel like a normal person and don't wake up feeling like I have 90 year old joints or a fat man sitting on my chest and I want to take advantage of it. I got the typical week after being on a plane head-cold. It never fails. Didn't knock me down enough to keep me off the bike. Just a little lot snotty and choking and gagging on my own mucous at some points, but so worth it. I'm starting to feel the miles. Both in body and in spirit. Everything is starting to hurt. It hurts in what I think is a 'normal' way and that I can handle.

Had my first crash of note out here. I crash a lot. I consider myself somewhat of an expert in that sense. I usually pop back up and am on the bike again before anyone can make a big deal about it. However, this was one of those crashes where I had to sit on a rock and take inventory for a few minutes after and make sure everything was still attached and where it needed to be. I know it was bad because my heart rate went from 140 to 56 in an instant. My bottles were ejected and my glasses were tossed. Wind knocked out of me. Good stuff.

I hit kinda hard.

New shorts no more.
My front is much worse, but not blog appropriate. Looks like I skidded down a rock face on my belly. Oh wait, I did. Let's just say I won't be wearing underwear for a while.

My shoes have had it and my toes are peeking out.

Oh, my feet. They hurt like a bitch. I'm about ready to cut-off my circus freak toe-fingers.

Not sure how I'm going to turn over a pedal at SSAZ. That's not until Saturday and I still have plenty of more days to inflict pain upon myself. I'll make it. I think. 

Thursday, January 26, 2012



What can I say? When the weather is various degrees of clear every day and in the 70s I have nothing to complain about. The S/S has been a blast out here. Can't say that my desert handling doesn't need some work. Scree and I don't get along and I seem to secretly enjoy running out of corners and getting intimate with the plants that bite. It's become a post-ride ritual to pull out the barbs with tweezers and the aid of the unlucky one who has to help me get them out of my back (don't ask).


It really is just awful here.

Can't wait to get home.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Camp Arlene

I'm still shocked that I made it here when I did. Considering how bad the drive was to the airport and how many times the plane was de-iced, I'll take four hours behind schedule.

Sitting in Newark and thinking I was doomed

Made it to Denver and was supposed to get to Tucson by way of Albuquerque. However, I missed every connector and they pulled me in Denver and sent me from there to Tucson. When the customer service rep told me they were pulling my bags and went on to say that they couldn't find my bike but found my duffel bag and then proceeded to tell me that this was good news because at least I had underwear, well, I had little meltdown. They found a duffel bag but couldn't find a bike? I must have looked pathetic while processing the news because a pilot waiting for his next flight offered to go check underneath the plane for me. I wanted to hug him. Unfortunately, it was too late because the plane had left the gate. Continue meltdown. As soon as I saw this coming on my flight I was hopeful it was mine...

It was...
First trail fix of the trip...

Never underestimate the power of pink duct tape.

Always sage advice

Can't. Stop. Smiling.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Just packed my bike. Still working right now so I can get the hell out of here. One more day. For the first time, no work phone will be coming with me. It will be fantastic.

Hot mess

It fits...kinda

Saturday afternoon I'm sure I'll have fun sorting this all out and putting it back together. At least I'll be doing it in AZ.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Hello Again

I shouldn't complain that winter is finally upon us. We have been really lucky. The weekend was more of an awakening to just how good we've had it lately. I usually fair pretty well in the cold if I can keep the Raynaud's under control. I have my system for hands and toes that I've created (and am still perfecting) over the years and I usually can keep them pretty comfortable. Some days I am still screwed, but I've been able to stay outside a lot longer lately by just spending a few bucks, planning, taking extra time and precautionary measures getting dressed. Watching me get ready for a day in the cold is like watching a boxer getting ready for the big event. Just not as cool or as interesting.

Sunday, I went on a hike with the boys. I think (okay, I KNOW) we went a little harder than usual. I don't remember ever being this sore from a hike. I'm wincing and whining when I cough because my abs and back are so sore. I don't get that from the bike. The pace was a lot faster than normal and at the end there was the usual trash talking, shoving and running. And yes, I was the instigator.

After the hike there was a frigid and windy ride at Waway that I had to do. We've been making some adjustments to my bike and I swear I've been on three different bikes this week. I've had tire changes and three fork changes. Each time out it's like the first time. I had to get on the bike to make sure everything was okay because I doubt I'll be on my SS again before I leave. Once I got out there it was a blast. If you've ever ridden at Waway you know it's rocky and technical and that it's usually soft and slimy in sections. It was abnormally fast for Waway. Frozen solid. REALLY fun and a little scary. Perfect combo.

Some magnificent snot rockets were all crusted and frozen to my bike when I rolled home. Oh Winter, how I've missed you.

Monday, January 9, 2012


Ummm...where do I begin with this one? And I had to ask myself, "Do I want to share?" Yes, indeed I do. At least you can enjoy my stupidity and look both ways before you squat. As usual, I drank an equine amount of water before the ride on Saturday and I got on the bike and had to pee within the first 5 minutes of the ride. There seemed to be people everywhere and it was becoming an emergency. I pulled over, peeled down my tights in record time and flung my gloves on the ground and proceeded to relieve myself. I turned around to grab my gloves and realized I had pissed all over one of them and sprayed on the other. Really, Jocelyn? Really? Thank God it was warm out and I had a chance to let it dry by hanging it out of my back pocket. Yes, I still wore it once it was dry. I did go home and wash them as well as my grips for good measure.

I think this surpasses the time when I first started riding a bike and decided that Bike Lusting the ENTIRE bike was a good idea. Saddle, grips, brake rotors, etc. I think we all know how that worked out.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Retirement Party

It is with a heavy heart that I announce the retirement of the Gear Fairy. I used to say out loud where I was going to ride and what gear I would like on my bike and then I would wake up the next morning and POOF!!!...the gear was magically changed overnight. The Gear Fairy has been good to me and has served me well. All good things must come to an end. Unfortunately, the Gear Fairy can't make the trip to AZ with me so it's time for me to start doing it myself.

Embarrassed at how easy it really is. I've watched Mike do it a thousand times and I did attempt to learn how a few years ago. However, I never had a reason to do it because I would just summon the Gear Fairy and be done with it. We had a little gear changing session on Friday night. Pretty wild Friday night, I know. There was some laughter, some yelling, some eye-rolling and some sighs in frustration. Then I actually stopped doing all those things and listened. My hands are funky so I had to figure out my own tricks for doing things but I worked it out. It may be painful to watch, but I get the job done. I rode it on Saturday and there was no wonkiness. Changed it again yesterday and rode again today and all is well. I guess the Gear Fairy was watching over me. The next session is troubleshooting when shit goes wrong. There's always more fun to be had.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Crazy Town

The kick-off

People have been asking me what my plans are for 2012. I've been a hesitant to tell them what's rolling around inside this crazy head of mine. I think they're expecting one of the following typical canned phrases from my mouth:

Probably won't race.
We'll see how I feel.
Let's see how the weather looks.
If I feel like riding, I'll ride.
Thinking about it.
If I feel like wearing lycra on said day I'll be there.

Well, for me I've set quite the lofty goal. Not sure what has gotten into me. After I (barely) finished Shen on gears I got the proverbial bug up my ass on the ride home from VA and have been working it out in my head ever since. I'm going to try and complete as many 100s on an SS as my body can handle in 2012. A lofty goal for a person who sometimes shows up and can't walk a mile, let alone race. And even loftier still since I've never finished a 100 on an SS. I think it will be fine. I have to finish at least four and my hope is to do 5. 500 miles is the goal. Anymore than that will be icing on the cake. It's more than likely that I'm going to have a few bad weekends when I won't be able to ride. I have to be somewhat realistic. I padded the schedule for when this happens. Here's the plan (padding included):

April 28th Cohutta (TN)

June 2nd Mohican (OH)

June 16th Lumberjack (MI)

July 28th Wilderness 101 (PA)

August 19th Hampshire 100 (NH)

September 2nd Shenandoah (VA)

September 8th Fool's Gold (GA)

I have to admit that doubt has already started to creep in as I was sick with a cold and then the typical flare-up due to the cold over the 3-day weekend. I couldn't do anything. When I say I do nothing. I really mean nothing. Not a word of a lie. Bathing, making tea and walking to the bathroom was the only activity I saw. How do you think I get addicted to all these tv shows? There's always a marathon of something on and by the third episode of 20 I'm hooked. I was a Mythbusters fan before, but after this weekend I really have issues. I'm really trying to stay positive that this forced rest was exactly what I needed.

My SS and I are heading to AZ at the end of the month. Hoping this will give me just the kick in the ass I need to get some momentum going. It's going to be a long year.

Crazy? Absolutely. I wouldn't have it any other way.