Sunday, April 8, 2012


After very little activity these past two weeks, I've become a little lot concerned with this whole hundred thing. Saturday, I slept for a total of 15 hours. I had to get bloodwork in the morning and then I had to stop  in a shoe store to exchange shoes for Mike. I actually had to sit down and rest a few times on the way in and out of the mall. It wasn't good. I thought I was going to pass out and wake up to a mall cop on a Segway and  people eating Wetzl's pretzels and Cinnabons. I was afraid I couldn't drive home without falling asleep so I shut my eyes in the parking lot until I thought I could stay awake long enough to make it home. Once I made it home I shut it down. I didn't expect to be able to ride Sunday. However, I woke up and didn't feel completely wiped. I set out for Waway. Whatever I could do, I would do. If I had to walk, I would walk. If I had to take a little siesta underneath a tree, then so be it. I just wanted to get into the woods.

I stopped and got a little wisdom from the local Buddha. He pretty much told me whatever will be, will be and to try to go into it with a positive and peaceful mind. It's all about the mind's perception. Damn you , Buddha. He's right. Try not, do or do not, there is no try. Okay, so that's Yoda, but you get the picture.


My jackass move of the day (there is always at least one) came when I was riding under/through a branch on a downhill and it got caught in my helmet and I thought either my head was going to rip off or I was going to be ripped off the bike. Neither of those happened, but I did I get a little taste of hypoxia.

It was a beautiful day to be out. So glad I didn't have to spend it inside getting addicted to another reality series. Finished the day with some chia 'pudding'. That's right, you read that correctly. It's pretty damn tasty, too.

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