Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Well, back to reality for me this week. Actually, it's kind of a relief. I'm cooked. I went a little crazy in Tucson. Now I just have to focus on recovering and getting rid of this damn cold. Never made it to the start of SSAZ. I had early indicators a few days prior when I couldn't get my heartrate up. A good sign of being cooked. I got up on Saturday after hacking and sweating all night and went through the motions like I was going to do it. I got my nutrition and fluids together and went to the garage to tape a tube and some CO2s to my seat post and I knew it wasn't happening. I was dizzy and felt like shit. I'm actually not that upset about it. I did what I had planned on doing in AZ and got in some good miles. Since SSAZ was on my last day there I knew it was a possibility that it wouldn't happen. So on Saturday I did this....

And lots of this....

It actually was nice to do absolutely nothing. Some other fond memories are the super-secret dirt jumps that I found in a neighborhood. They're not really meant for big wheels or for my skills. It still was fun as hell to give them a whirl.

Believe it or not, after a week or so of desert singletrack I started to miss log jumps, slimy rocks, wacky bridges and roots. Crazy, right?

All in all it was a great trip. Can't complain. Yes, I got sick. I do everything I can not get sick. I'm a freakshow in the airport and on the plane. Lotions, potions, wipes, you name it. Short of traveling in a bubble I'm not sure what I can do. I always get sick after being on a plane. A compromised immune system is no fun, what can I say?  Good food, great company and great weather. Not much more I could ask for.


  1. Yah! Hope you had a great time! Now,come ride w/ me at waway and jungle. :)

  2. Like I can get you off that damn snowboard!!!
