Sunday, February 26, 2012

Flat Jack

So I get this letter on Friday that had serial killer like handwriting on it. I was a little excited thinking that maybe I had a stalker. No such luck. It was even better. It was from my nephew, Jack, in Ohio. He's in the first grade and the class is doing the Flat Stanley project. I've babysat a Flat Stanley before at work for a co-worker. We had some fun. Took some pictures. I showed him a glimpse into the exciting world of HR. Never had one of my own to hang with. So I received 'Flat Jack' on Friday and I must say he had quite the big weekend.

Flat Jack got to get in some sweet and technical singletrack on his visit. He barely lived through the wind and his head almost blew off, but he survived. Stacey and I were prepared to have our workout be 'chase Flat Jack around Ramapo Mountain' if need be. We were ready to pounce at any second and save him from flying away.

There was almost a decapitation or at least an ear piercing by an angry and territorial parrot.

He lived through the weekend. His neck needed a little reinforcement from spending two days in a Camel Back. Fortunately, a little tape fixed that issue. However, he will be sent back with some boo boos, dirt and a coffee stain or two. I added some blood and some band-aids. Nothing less should be expected in my care.

He's been on a few Starbucks runs, seen the Appalachian Trail, shoveled snow and for now he's still in one piece. However, I do still have him for one more day. Anything can happen.

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