Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Court Ordered

I always see the usual suspects when I get out on the bike in the morning: the dog walkers, the runners, the teenagers sneaking back into their houses, etc. We all acknowledge one another with a head nod or a polite, "Hello". Typical stuff. This morning I ran into a guy on a bike as he was pulling out of his driveway (please note that there were like three cars in his driveway). He was wearing work boots, pajama bottoms and a 'seen-better-days' Giants jacket. I pedaled past him and he started talking to me so I slowed down. The smell of booze and stale cigarettes was overpowering. He'd seen better days, or not, maybe he's always looked that horrifying. I don't know. He was huffing and puffing and we were going like 2 mph. His smell was toxic. Then I spied spittle and a pasty white substance on his lips. Oh God.  I wanted to ride away but the mid-westerner in me didn't want to be rude (shocking, I know) and I also was a little curious. It went down like this:

Drunk: "Hey."

Me:  "Hey."

Drunk:  "Are you you doing this for fun or are you going to work?"

Me: "Ummm..Fun. You?" (I totally knew the answer.)

Drunk: "Fuck me. I'm just trying to get to my community service. How long do you think it will take me to get to Franklin?"

Me:  "Not sure. I don't really know how far Franklin is."

Drunk: "On 23."

Me: "Okay. Still no idea. I'm sorry."

Drunk: "Well, fuck you then, you fuckin' bitch."

Me: "Have a nice day. Enjoy your ride." And I  rode away from that mess.

I could still hear him muttering obscenities as I rode away. On the way back home I saw him zig-zagging in the wind and trying to pedal down Clinton. He wasn't too far past where I'd left him. He looked at me and gave me the finger. How neighborly.


  1. Why can't I have that much fun when I ride? He sounds hot. NJ's finest.
