Friday, February 10, 2012

Tucson Takeaways

1. I've always known it. Duct tape really can solve most of life's issues. Including: holding toenails on, acting as a zip tie, repairing rips in hydration packs and holding your ass and front in torn and bloody shorts while you ride 20 miles home.

2. Losing the rear brake on La Milagrosa is no fun. For those of you who have ridden 'Millie', you know what I'm talking about. If there's any brake issues at all make sure you take care of them before you head up Redington. Just sayin.

3. I am capable of putting in my own brake pads, adjusting brakes and even taking a little brake juice out. Sigh.

4. Just because it's sunny and warm does not mean you have to ride every day for hours. It's always sunny and warm to us Northeasterners. If you do, a week or so in there will be thoughts of committing random acts of violence against your bike.

5. You never know who is reading your blog. I met a guy from CA who said I looked familiar. After chatting about possible places we could have met he asked me if I had a blog. He said that he and his girlfriend both read it. Of course, he went on to ask me if I've peed on my gloves lately. (The answer is 'no' by the way)

6. I hate the trainer even more.

7. If you hack and cough and blow your nose enough no one will sit next to you on the plane.

8. I'm getting good. It's no longer an afternoon event and the F-bombs are minimal.

9. I missed this:

10. Tan lines. Wow. I need to work on these before my sister's wedding or I'm going to be a sight. I thought 70 SPF would help but I was wrong. Can you say 'spray tan'? I know I'm gonna end up looking like an oompa loompa.

10. I'm a singlespeeder. For better or for worse. A SS is what I learned on and that's what I enjoy. Not sure why I always think I should be on gears. Sure gears would benefit me at certain places, but they don't really work for me and I don't enjoy gears nearly as much as I do the SS. Of course, I may have a different opinion after a few hundies.


  1. You and mike make a great couple! I'm drooling about AZ right now. I wish I could have made it to ssaz. It's becoming more apparent to me that once someone starts out on a ss it's hard to transition to gears. And those that started with gears would freak out if they lost them.

  2. Yeah, we're both mental in our own ways. Have fun in AZ and give Mike hell!

    1. I rode most of Miligrosa with a bum front brake. I do not recommend doing it.

      The transition upon return is probably the hardest ever.

  3. Tried to ride my SS yesterday. Man I sucked!!!!
