Monday, February 13, 2012

AND It's Green, Too

Ahhh. The first weekend back from warm AZ is always a cruel reminder. Saturday, there was snow. Not enough to keep me out of Waway. It started off okay because it was cold enough to stay frozen. Then it got slick and icy. It was like riding through a leaf slushie. I've ridden Waway when the conditions are challenging. These were probably the most challenging conditions I've seen. It was hard to stay on the bike. Some trail were okay that the sun didn't hit but let's just say that Pickle and Rattlesnake won on Saturday.

If there was any doubt that I had some sort of head cold/sinus issue please see below. THAT came out of me. Don't ask how it ended up on my glove. I was on a downhill and didn't turn enough to blow a proper snot rocket. How disgusting is that? It just kept coming out. Ewwwww. 


As I was putting riding clothes in the washer on Saturday night, Mike, had the audacity to tell me he didn't want his clothes washed with my snot crusted clothes. He thought it was gross. Really? Sometimes I walk into the basement to grab his smelly jackets and gloves and feel the need for a respirator. FYI- The woodburner does not take away smell. It only makes you smell like burning, sweaty swampiness. 

Saturday was a chilly, big gear, Stewart day. After a warm-up I started to groove on the big gear again. It felt good. Fast forward a couple of hours and my hours in AZ started to nag at my legs. I actually shut it down rather than make myself suffer through and went and sat in the toasty truck while the boys finished up. Best decision I've made in a while.

Both Saturday and Sunday somebody asked why I wasn't registered for a few local races: SSAP, Bearscat 50 and the DH 40. SSAP is the day after Cohutta. We'll be on our way home from TN. The Bearscat is the same weekend as Mohican. The 40 is a week after the Wilderness 101. I have to be realistic. There's no way I would recover for that. Right now I'm still trying to remain positive that I can do the hundreds. Even a hundred. While I was sitting in the doctor's office this morning waiting to get bloodwork done, I have to admit, doubt started to creep in. I even started to tear up a little. Always a reality check that makes me doubt my body. I start looking around the room at really sick people. I've looked like that. I've felt like that. I just have to keep on track and really believe I can do this. Some days are harder than others. For all of you who have supported me and who keep cheering me on, I thank you. I couldn't do this without you.


  1. I've said this before, I know - but I think it is worth repeating......You are an inspiration to me! I've seen firsthand how you fight back when your body is saying no way. You inspire me to do greater things than I think I can, thank you!
