Saturday, March 24, 2012


Not only was my body feeling it at the end of this week, so was my bike. Friday night we realized there was a crack in my frame. SONOFABITCH!!!

Took it up to Dark Horse on Saturday. Rave and I stripped that baby clean like a turkey on Thanksgiving. Hopefully, I'll have a new one in a week or so...

I'll have to deal with Old Faithful for now (aka Gus the Bus). It's been my 'road bike'. There's really only a rear brake and the tires are pretty bald. The fork is leaking oil. It could use a little loving to say the least.

On another note, I did a lap of the SSAP course today. All I'm gonna say is bring your Big Boy/Girl's smokin' fast!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Quick! Edit your blog before anyone gets any gearing ideas!
