Friday, March 16, 2012

Going Green

I've informed my holistic MD that I will NOT be going back on the no meat, no gluten, no dairy, no caffeine, no sugar, NO Fun diet. I did this for about three months a few years ago. There was a suggestion to go back to the nutritionist who was responsibe for these months of horror. I felt so tired and weak and I looked gray. I dropped weight, but I felt like shit so I didn't see that as a win. I also was having dreams about steak. Mike even started to look tasty. I was drinking this cold gazpacho concoction after winter rides. I don't even want to talk about what was in my bottles. After those few months, friends and co-workers asked for at least a two week notice before I make any major dietary changes. I was not much fun to be around.

So as a compromise and to give my body an extra kick and to better my chances of staying off of nasty meds for as long as possible, I've decided to start juicing again a few times a week. I hemmed and hawed about this for a while and  this lady finally convinced me.

Lucky Leprechaun Juice

You should see the floor
I wish I could say that it tastes so good and that I love it. Mmmmmm. Sadly, it does not and I do not love it. At work they refer to it as my 'Sad Juice'  because I look so sad when I drink or even look at it. It's been a week and I can finally drink it without worrying about it coming back up. Baby steps.


  1. I totally agree that the "no fun diet" you listed above sounds horrible! I have to ask what you put in your "sad" green juice that is not tasting good? I have a couple recipes that I LOVE so let me know if you need some suggestions. Cheers to staying off nasty meds- that is a good goal!

  2. One WAS your recipe!!! HA HA HA. No it's gotten better. I've fiddled with some ratios for tastiness. As usual, I will be bothering you...

    1. Hahaha- hmmmm, well we should chat. I have some other idea :)
