Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Temp

Sometimes a back up plan can be better than the original. I had an endurance ride planned for Sunday. So Saturday night we were in the basement trying to do some work on a bike for me that would include two working brakes and two tires that haven't been rendered into road slicks. A little Gus the Bus lovin'. Then, as I was ducking behind the stairs it hit me. Literally hit me. Smacked me in the face and almost took out my eye. I stared longingly at it and took it to go "wash the dust off it".  Fast forward 30 minutes later after grumbles, protests and whining (not saying who did what here) and I was assisting in building my temp.

 It is way too sexy for me. I just don't do it justice.

The good news is that the ride went well. I was worried because I didn't have the best week and let's just say if you saw me you would think I was having a herpes outbreak. I'm not and I don't. Thanks. Just some nasty auto-immune mouth sores that are making me feel very pretty at the moment.

I could have done without the first two hours in a cold, spittle rain but after getting that out of the way the rest wasn't so bad. Came home with something left in the tank and I felt pretty good. The legs and body are a good tired. The hands, well, the singlespeed callouses are coming back. I remember these...


I still find it amusing when I'm in a suit and heels and I shake someone's hand and they give me a look. Can't imagine what they think I do in my sparetime.

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